If you’re participating in the year-end Winter Low Carb Challenge here is the Week Four Weigh-In thread in the group. You can weigh in there, or leave a comment here on this post with your total number of pounds lost since we started on October 29th.

I look forward to hearing your results so far! 🙂

Keto SnacksTo give you a live example of a day in my own low carb life, here is a quick photo tour of my meals yesterday – and my MyFitnessPal diary, so you can see how I logged those meals.

I also tested a new keto product, so I’ll tell you about that too, along with what goes into that testing. 😉

I had a super busy and long day lined up as I had a “working weekend” with all the holiday sales and such.

I’m a small business & marketing consultant by trade. I’ve been in business and working online for almost 22 years now.

Anyway, I had a “grab & dig in!” type of breakfast so I could hit the ground running:

Keto Breakfast On The Go - Easy Low Carb Life

I knew I could whip up a hot meal later, but just grabbed the Peanut Butter NUI Keto Cookies and a Macadamia Fat Bomb real quick with a bottle of water – and my coffee of course! 😉

For lunch I made sausage and cheesy eggs.

The sausage links are Banquet Brown & Serve in the frozen section.

Dirty Eggs and Sausage Links - Fast Keto Meals

That sausage made my eggs very dirty.

But it was dirty eggs… or a second dirty skillet, so 🤷‍♀️ 😛

I’ve been prepping all week to review & taste-test a new keto food products that is (fingers crossed!) coming out soon.

It’s from a trusted and LOVED source, but I did have to make sure my body was in a good state to do a proper test.

The taste test was GREAT, by the way! I picked “A” 🙂

Keto Food Reviews - Taste Testing and Keto Testing Process

When I’m testing new keto products or doing reviews I have to do multiple finger pricks for blood glucose & blood ketone testing, before and after AND I have to eat “super clean” (only known/tested foods & super simple combinations) for at least 72 hours before and after testing or reviewing any new keto foods or products.

It’s a process. 🙄😜

But worth it to eliminate foods that “look good on paper” (labels/macros) but totally knock me out of ketosis. 🤷‍♀️

If you watched my recent videos here you heard me talking about this process, and how much time & patience it takes. 😳😉

Thus all the cheesy eggs lol.

My blood ketone levels were great for this test!

Blood Ketone Testing - Keto Food Review Process

This may seem like an odd keto dinner BUT for testing purposes, as mentioned above, I had to stick to “known/tested foods” after trying the new product – and have to continue that for at least 72 hours while I test the effects on my body / ketone levels so I don’t screw up the results.

It can take up to 72 hours to fully metabolize any food, and that’s if you didn’t have alcohol in your system prior to that period.

Anyway, my dinner was: 2 ounces of Oscar Mayer rotisserie chicken slices, a little over an ounce of colby jack cheese (1.31 oz to be exact lol), 60 grams of raw pecans & 18 grams of fresh blueberries. ❤

LCHF Keto Snack Plate - Easy Low Carb Meals

I didn’t have macros for the taste-testing, as there were no labels on the packages… so I just had to leave that off.

I logged everything else though, and this is how it came out:

MyFitnessPal LCHF Keto Food Diary with Net Carbs Column


Is it okay if I say… I’m glad the busy holiday week & weekend is BEHIND US and that I’m looking forward to a more low key week ahead? 🙂

It’ll be simple meals for me the next few days, so I’ll keep you posted on that.

I do love EASY.

It makes the “low carb lifestyle” so much less stress, and easier to maintain.

How are things going with you this week?

Don’t forget to weigh in today!

Leave a comment and let’s chat:)

Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

p.s. Today is the last day to get the November Keto Krate for 29.99 (use code BFCM25 for that deal).

You can see what’s in the box and the true value of it here.

In that post I shared that you can JUST get this one box without subscribing… just use the new one-box gift option. 😉


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Low Carb Snack Box