Hey! I hope you’re having a GREAT weekend. I feel terrible that I haven’t written in awhile… I’ve been doing my best to “share as I go” on both Facebook and Instagram at least if you want to see a quick overview of what I’ve been eating.

Keto Diaries

To be honest it’s been a hellish couple of weeks here, and I’m glad to see the “crazy” dying back down to the usual lull of everyday life!

Keto SnacksThe stress took a serious toll on me.

From insomnia and extreme anxiety and lack of appetite, to random weight gain and a total lack of energy.

It got so bad this past week with feeling sluggish and struggling to stay awake that I saw my doctor to have both my thyroid and Vitamin D checked.

Fortunately both checked out (yay!) so I’ve simply been resting and eating good and getting myself through this phase.

I’ve been doing just that: resting, focusing on positive things, making positive changes, etc. And of course the weight starting coming right back off as soon as things calmed down a little.

It was just a few pounds of “stress weight” anyway, nothing to stress over. 😛

During the height of my anxiety I cleaned out several closets and a spare room to burn off the stress and energy (and find something to focus on besides the source of my stress!) and found people to give all those things to that could make good use of them. That felt good. 🙂

Plus I have clear spaces to work with now!

I also did a little binge-shopping online, lol.

Anyway, I’m glad to see my body (and weight) responding to the rest & recovery and I’m really looking forward to closing this year out with a SMILE!

Speaking of, we’ll be starting a new low carb challenge on January 1st to kick off the New Year…

Are you planning to join in?

I think I’m really going to mix things up this time! Maybe even try some carnivore and weights combinations. 🙂

If you’re participating in the year-end Winter Low Carb Challenge here is this week’s weigh-in thread in the group. You can weigh in there, or leave a comment here on this post with your total number of pounds lost since we started on October 29th.

We have SO much to catch up about!

I’ve been doing tons of food reviews and “ketone tests” lately on various things, one of which totally threw me out of ketosis and has me on my SIXTH prescription.

I’m still trying to nail down the cause of that! So stay tuned for details…

Another new product I did extensive ketone testing on was Lolli’s Low Carb Granola – and that one passed with flying colors. 🙂

Plus it’s amazingly delicious! 💕

She has a weekend special discount coded into my affiliate link for you: http://lollislowcarbgranola.com/lowcarbtraveler I think it’s 20% through Sunday night. You’ll see it automatically at checkout when you use that link she created for us.

It makes GREAT cereal too!

You can still get a December Keto Krate today…

I just found out they still have plenty of these December Keto Krate boxes left and they’re shipping next business day for super fast delivery right now.

This month’s box is FULL of low carb fun too!! 😍

You only have about a week to order this box (or get yourself another one!) – or until they sell out, whichever comes first…

Go to: https://www.TravelingLowCarb.com/krate 👉 and use coupon code TRAVELINGLOWCARB15 for 15% off your first box 💕

This month’s box features keto friendly peanut butter cookie mix, chocolate candy bar, Keto Bark, cookies and crunchy savory snacks and more:

December 2018 Keto Krate

If you want to order Keto Krate as a New Year Gift for someone that is starting a new lifestyle in 2019, or maybe you just want to prepay for 3 boxes for yourself, these discount codes work on the prepay/gift options:

3-month discount: 5% (code: GIFTKRATE5)
6-month discount: 10% (code: GIFTKRATE10)
12-month discount: 15% (code: GIFTKRATE15)

I did an unboxing video here with my thoughts on each product:

They’re shipping this Keto box next business day right now. 👉 Go to: https://www.TravelingLowCarb.com/krate and use coupon code TRAVELINGLOWCARB15 for 15% off ⭐💕


Someone asked how much I weigh. This was my response:


I’m planning a low carb meet-up in Charlotte NC on December 29th if you’re in or near that area. I’ll put up an event page. I look forward to a fun get-together!

I’m running behind getting all the posts up of fun things I want to share with you. I’ll work on the meetup location list first…

What else are you MOST interested in seeing next?

The results of my food tests and keto/ketone experiments, a breakdown of the products in the December Keto Krate like I did for November, how I’m using the Granola and how it fared on my blood ketone tests, a photo tour of my recent meals, my MyFitnessPal food diaries this week – or something else maybe?

Let me know. 😉

How are things going with you this week?

Don’t forget to weigh in this week!

Leave a comment and let’s chat:)

Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

p.s. That granola is AMAZING! I’m going to try it in some recipes next. 😉


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Low Carb Snack Box