This low carb trip and the Keto Meetup here in Charlotte have been amazingly fun so far… and I still have two full days to go!

I’m headed off to another concert, but I wanted to share a quick photo tour of my trip so far – and the fun meetup we had yesterday:

Low Carb Meetup in Charlotte NC

I’ve also been working on this trip, but I absolutely love my work. The fact that I can work from anywhere, including curled up in my PJ’s while eating delicious low carb granola – is definitely a win. 😉

Keto Snacks - Low Carb Granola

This granola by the way, is SO GOOD.

It’s like “keto crack” lol.

This weekend she’s having a New Year’s Sale for 40% off – plus you can still use my link to get an EXTRA 10% off, making it 50% off right now!

This is the Peanut Butter Macadamia Granola (my favorite!):

Gluten Free Keto Granola - Peanut Butter Macadamia Low Carb Granola

The Peanut Butter Macadamia is like fresh baked cookies straight out of the oven with a nice nutty crunch! ❤

She has the 10% off discount coded into my affiliate link, and no other coupon code works during her 40% off sale… except mine. Because she loves us!

That special deal ends Tuesday, January 1st at 11:59pm Eastern so grab some while it’s cheap if you want to try it! 😉

Keeping It Keto On The Go

I actually prefer to eat super low carb and stay in ketosis when I’m traveling, on vacation or out doing FUN things.

That’s when I want to look and feel my best!

Plus I love not being bloated, and being able to fit into cute new clothes. 😉

Keto Weight Loss - Low Carb Traveler on the go!

I got these adorable Steve Madden boots online at and the dress is from American Eagle. Both were super comfy, and perfect for dancing the night away my first night here!


Speaking of, I was HUNGRY by the time I arrived and got settled in and off to my first of three concerts the other night.

I didn’t stop for dinner, so I ended up “unbunning” a couple of hot dogs and dipping them in mustard at the concert venue – just for something convenient and keto.

I wasn’t at all picky about dinner obviously. I was more focused on getting those new boots on the dance floor! 🙂

I love to have a few beers when I’m dancing, and fortunately they had Michelob Ultra at that venue. Yay! It’s my favorite low carb beer…

Low Carb Beer - Michelob Ultra on a Keto Diet

UNfortunately (lol) I wasn’t paying attention to the fact that these were 16 ounces instead of the usual 12 ounce bottles I drink – and went over my limit by a little more than I should have. 😛

Not a big deal carb-wise, but between that and a light food day (and two little hot dogs for dinner, lol) I felt like H*LL the next morning.

I’m a serious lightweight, lol. 😉

I had a blast though and danced for HOURS through two bands, both of which I really love. The opening band was a funky little new band called LUTHI that I’ve seen twice before.

Here’s a picture of me with them after the show. This lady plays a mean sax! 😉

LowCarbTraveler with LUTHI - fun, funky band!

The next morning I got up and made a strong coffee… 🙂

… then met up with local keto friends for a great lunch at the Outback Steakhouse here in Charlotte.

Keto Meetup Charlotte NC

We had SO much fun and such great conversations over lunch. I absolutely love meeting up with other people who eat low carb on my travels.

It’s always interesting to hear other people’s stories: why they chose to eat low carb, their experiences so far, how it’s changed their life, etc.

Plus I really LOVE making new friends around the world. 🙂

Of course I was famished by lunchtime and definitely ready for a “real meal” so I ordered the 12 ounce ribeye steak with grilled asparagus, a grilled shrimp skewer and a side caesar salad with no croutons.

Keto Meal at Outback Steakhouse - Low Carb Restaurants

I ate about half the steak, all of the shrimp and asparagus, and then brought the rest of the steak and the salad back to my hotel together to enjoy for dinner last night:

Keto Life - Traveling Low Carb

For dessert we all had Lolli’s Low Carb Granola – the one I mentioned earlier that I had for breakfast this morning.

Lolli sent over plenty for me to share at the meetup (thank you!) and everyone LOVED it!! All three flavors were a huge hit. 😉

Keto Snacks - Low Carb Granola - Gluten Free and Delicious!

I was glad too, because I’m totally addicted to that stuff – and I was curious to hear what everyone else thought of it. 🙂

It’s such a great snack and a nice treat AND it makes amazing low carb cereal – which is my favorite way to enjoy it.

Even our (awesome!) waitress tried some and LOVED it…

Sharing the Keto Love!

In fact she took some back to share with her coworkers, and they came out and asked where to order it -lol.

It’s THAT good!

(I haven’t met anyone yet that doesn’t LOVE it)

Here’s the link again for an extra 10% off

I spent most of the day today wrapping up some year-end work, but first I went out and grabbed my favorite low carb Starbucks drink:

Iced coffee with no classic syrup and sugar free cinnamon dolce, sugar free vanilla and 1/3 cup of heavy whipping cream.

Low Carb Starbucks - Traveling Keto

I had the Cinnamon Pecan and Peanut Butter Macadamia Granola for breakfast this morning along with plenty of water and of course my coffee.

I had some of the granola again this afternoon, but I’m definitely ready for a BIG dinner – because I’m expecting to get LOTS of Fitbit steps in again tonight. 😉

Dancing is great exercise!

Active Low Carb Lifestyle - Traveling Keto


I have two more concerts to enjoy while I’m here, and some more work to do, then I’ll head back toward Tennessee on Tuesday.

Then next up are Austin and LA – with some fun hikes in between. 🙂

Traveling Low Carb - Keto Road Trip

We’ll be kicking off a 2019 New Year Keto Challenge on January 2nd, so stay tuned for the challenge details – and make sure you’re signed up at that link. 😉

If you got this note by email, you’re already signed up & good to go! If not, click the link above so you don’t miss the email notification with all the challenge details.

How are things going with you?

I want to wish you a…

Happy, Healthy New Year! 🥂

Leave a comment and let’s chat:)

Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


instagram low carb @lowcarbtraveler @lowcarbtraveler @lowcarbtraveler pinterest low carb


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Low Carb Snack Box