My session will air on Thursday as a featured speaker in this year’s Kick Sugar Summit. It’s running all week (June 10-15).

If you haven’t already, register for free so you don’t miss today’s sessions!

You’ll hear from 40 experts on metabolic health, with great insights on the ketogenic diet and living sugar-free – all for FREE, and from home (or anywhere).

It started yesterday, so be sure to sign up here so you don’t miss the next 4 days of amazing speakers. 😉

Kick Sugar Summit - Keto Event on Metabolic Health

There are some GREAT speakers, doctors and experts alike, sharing a lot of in-depth information on the topic of metabolic health and the ketogenic diet.

We’re on Day 2 already – and my session is on Day 4. 🙂

Here’s the line-up for the week:

Day 1 – June 10, 2019

  • Dr. Robert Lustig – Professor Emeritus University California San Francisco
  • Dr. Vera Tarman – Author of Food Junkies: Recovery from Food Addiction
  • Dr. Brian Lenzkes – Voted One of the “Top Doctors” in San Diego for 11 Years
  • Gin Stevens – Author of Delay, Don’t Deny: Living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle
  • Dr. Robert Cywes – Bariatric Surgeon
  • Doug Reynolds – Founder of LowCarb USA
  • Dr. Chris Palmer – MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School
  • Dr. Bret Scher – MD, Cardiologist, Stanford Graduate

Day 2 – June 11, 2019

  • Gary Taubes – Author of Why We Get Fat and The Case Against Sugar
  • Wolfram Alderson – CEO Hypoglycemia Support
  • Dr. Nasha Winters – Author of Metabolic Approach to Cancer
  • Dr. David Diamond – MD, PhD, Neuroscientist
  • Craig Emmerich – Author of Keto: The Complete Guide to Success
  • Dr. Lewis Cantley – The Cantley Lab
  • Belinda Fettke – The Driving Force Behind the Current Dietary Guidelines
  • Bitten Jonsson – Leading Sugar Educator

Day 3 – June 12, 2019

  • Prof. Tim Noakes – Professor Emeritus University of Capetown
  • Dr. Mark Cucuzella – MD, FAAFP, Professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine
  • Dr. Jake Cushner – MD, Medical Director of McNair Interests
  • Dave Feldman – The Cholesterol Code
  • Jackie Eberstein – RN, Former Director of Medical Education at The Atkins Center
  • Dr. Gary Fettke – Orthopedic Surgeon Low Carb Crusader
  • Dr. Shawn Baker – Orthopedic Surgeon Author of The Carnivore Diet
  • Julia Ross – Author of The Mood Cure, The Craving Cure
  • Dr. Kristie Sullivan – Author of Keto Gatherings & Keto Living Day By Day

Day 4 – June 13, 2019

  • Thomas DeLauer – Nutrition and Business Performance Coach
  • Lynn Terry –, Keto Expert – on Keto for 8 years
  • Lisette Cifaldi – Founder & CEO of Eating Sanity
  • Dr. Antonio Martinez II – Attorney and Patient/Health Advocate
  • Dr. Keith Berkowitz – MD, Founder & Director of the Center for Balanced Health
  • Alison Gannett – Cooking for Cancer Keto Coach
  • Dr. Ben Bocchicchio – “Slow Maximum Resistance Training” AKA ‘S.Ma.R.T™
  • Dr. Josh Turknett – MD, Author of the Migraine Miracle
  • Brandon Straker – Coach & Personal Trainer – Reset U Fitness

Day 5 – June 14, 2019

  • Pete Evans – Author, Chef & Producer of The Magic Pill Documentary – Netflix
  • Dr. Aseem Malhotra – Internationally Renowned Cardiologist
  • Andy Petranek – Co-Founder of the Whole Life Challenge
  • Ann Childers – Psychiatric Physician
  • Dr. Joan Ifland – PhD, MBA, Food Addiction Professional
  • Dr. Hassina Kajee – MD, Board of Directors of The Noakes Foundation
  • Jayne Bullen – MBA, Managing Director of the Noakes Foundation Nutrition Network
  • Peter Ballerstedt – PhD, University of Georgia, University of Kentucky
  • Rita Venter – Banting 7 Day Meal Plans


Sign up FREE for the Kick Sugar Summit

Enjoy! 🙂

Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

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