4 Good Egg Substitutes for Baking – How to Bake Without Eggs

A quick internet search will reveal that many Paleo and Keto-friendly baked goods call for eggs as part of the ingredient list. So what if you choose to avoid eggs as the result of a preference, sensitivity, or allergy? Egg substitutes for baking to the rescue!

The best egg substitutes for baking.

Egg AllergyAccording to FARE, Food Allergy Research & Education, egg allergies are on the rise within the adult population.

Before you assume that egg substitutes will require fancy ingredients and hard to follow recipes, keep reading!

In no time you’ll learn that a well stocked Paleo and Keto-friendly pantry holds all you need to create a healthy egg substitute in little to no time.

What if I’m not intolerant to eggs? Why would this resource be helpful to me?

Even if you aren’t avoiding eggs at this time, chances are at some point you’ll be in the mood to create a tasty treat, so you’ll head to the refrigerator only to find you are all out of eggs. If so, you’ll definitely want to bookmark this page for future reference!

But can’t I buy egg substitutes without having to make my own?

In this day and age with the growth of readily available food substitutes and replacements, you can certainly find ready-made egg substitutes, but a quick glance at the ingredient list will often reveal artificial ingredients that are best to avoid.

Why can’t I just leave eggs out of the recipe?

Banana Egg SubstituteEggs often make their way into so many Paleo and Keto-friendly baked goods for a few reasons. Eggs act as a binder when used in recipes, providing structure, but also providing a nice moist texture.

In some baked goods, eggs will also work as a leavening agent, which causes expansion of the food product.

As a general rule, if an egg acts as a binder in a recipe, most any egg substitute will work. If the egg is also intended to cause leavening, you’ll need to simply add in a teaspoon each of baking powder, white vinegar, and water.

Let’s take a closer look at 4 best egg substitutes for baking:

1. Fruit Puree

Unsweetened applesauce is one easy option to add in as a replacement for eggs. All you’ll need is ½ cup applesauce per egg.

Mashed BananaIf you prefer to use mashed banana, just add in ¼ cup for each egg when baking. Be aware that bananas may also add in a slight banana flavor, so consider that when choosing to use.

If you are concerned that a fruit puree will make your recipe too sweet, simply reduce any of your other sweetening agents to taste.

To really test your creative baking skills, the possibilities are almost endless with fruit puree baking aside from applesauce and mashed banana. Take a look at this Paleo Strawberry Mug Cake, a perfect recipe for one when you have a hankering for a sweet bite.

2. Seeds

Chia seeds are a great egg replacement in addition to having other health benefits and providing your body with a nice source of fiber.

Chia SeedsTo make a “chia egg” simply mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 2.5 tablespoons of water and let it rest for about 15 minutes.

Along with being a heart healthy addition to your diet, one tablespoon of ground flax along with 3 tablespoons of water can be used in place of 1 egg.

Just mix the water and flax together and wait for it to form a slight gel before adding to your recipe. Flax will also provide a slightly nutty taste to your recipe.

Check out this recipe for Raw, Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread, which would be fantastic when you are craving something savory and have seeds on hand to use in place of eggs.

3. Nut Butters

Almond butter may already be a pantry staple in your home, and if so, you are in luck. Although almond butter may provide a noticeably nutty flavor to your recipe, about ¼ cup can be added to your recipe in place of an egg.

Nut Butter Egg ReplacementAnd if you are also sensitive or allergic to almonds, most any other nut butter will do. Just remember that peanut butter is not Paleo-friendly and should be avoided.

This recipe for Paleo Fruit and Nut Breakfast Bread looks amazing as is, but imagine how the addition of a nut butter in place of eggs could make the flavor profile really pop!

4. Gelatin Powder

While you’ll want to avoid your typical, standard grocery store gelatin, companies such as Great Lakes and Vital Proteins are great gelatin products for baking. Gelatin powder is tasteless and dissolves easily without clumping.

If you are following the AIP protocol and need to avoid eggs, gelatin is a great choice for baking. The general formula for replacing 1 egg with gelatin requires mixing 1 tablespoon of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of room temperature water.

If you are curious about other ways to incorporate gelatin into your Paleo and Keto kitchen, this link lists more than 53 ways to use gelatin. No doubt you’ll find a tasty treat here!

Ready to get creative baking with healthy egg substitutes?

So there you have it! Now, I bet you are anxious to test out some of these egg substitutes.

As you start to try out some of these egg substitutes, keep in mind that some recipes may require a bit more experimentation to get the ideal texture and leavening.

In the event that you end up with a softer, less dense dough or product than desired, practice a bit of patience while mixing and matching your purees, seeds, nut butters, and gelatin.

If you are particularly creative in the kitchen, you can also choose to test out some vegetable purees, along with mashed avocado, as a sneaky way to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption.

For some amazing printable images outlining all of these egg substitute suggestions, you’ll want to check out these links as well! Keep in mind some of the ideas listed may not be considered part of a traditional Paleo or Keto diet.

  1. RealAdviceGal.com
  2. The Kitchen Whisperer
  3. Bigger Bolder Baking

Now that you are feeling inspired to start baking with egg substitutes, the ideas are endless. However, if you need some guidance for Paleo and Keto-friendly recipes in the category of baked goods, check out this link for some amazing ideas: https://paleogrubs.com/paleo-recipes/baked-goods

4 Good Egg Substitutes for Baking – How to Bake Without Eggs
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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